AnDrEaNa !!!!!

Book: A gost in my suit case


Author:Jacquline Wilson
Book: Lola rose
pages: 288

It took 1 week to read this book. It was about a family. The mum keeped on getting hit by the father then the father started hitting the little girl so the mother said that they have to go other wise the father would keep hitting her. That night the  mother said to pack there things and leave with the moneywhen the father is at the pub. So they left and they went to a hotel to sleep for the night and they had to make a fake nam eso the father cant find them. I really liked reading the book because it was interesting and sad. Sad because the father smacks the mother and now the child. Interesting because i didn't know what was going to happen. Ages 12 +
See what happenes if the father finds them or they  keep hiding ?? read the book

Term 3

Author: Jacqueline wilson
Book: My sister Jodie
pages: 400

I started this book at june the 27th and finnished 29th. I loved this book because it was sooo interisting it really hooked me in the beginning and it was so emotional that i cryed.I think the ages for this book should be year 7 and up.
This book is about when the family moved to this school which is for free because the mum and dad had jobs there and then something tragged happened and ...........
 see what happened and dont forget your tissues lolz. READ AND FIND OUT ENJOY !!

Author: Tania mills 
Book: Don't call me JoJo
Pages: 135

I started this book in june round about 31st and i finished this book on the 4th of july. I read it for 30n min max and I really really enjoyed this book because it was so so so interesting. This book is about a girl called Josie who's father was in jail and so her mother decided that they should move closer to the jail. When her mother visited Josie would come but she would be sick so she stayed home. She made a friend called jamie. Jamie knew that Josie father was in jail but she didn't tell Josie. and she was in the musical theater. I think ages to 11 and up.                                                                            Read and found out her father came out of jail.                                                          ENJOY THIS BOOK BECAUSE I DID !!!!      

Term 2

Reading Log (:

Author:Jacqueline wilson.
book:girls out late.


I started this book when i first got it and in 1 week to finished it.It has 235 pages,I read for 30min or 1 hour each night.I enjoyed it because it was interesting and Jacqueline wilson is my favorite author.It is about a group of girls who went to the mall and came home at 10:00 at night and she was grounded for a couple of weeks because she didn't tell the truth of where she went.

Authour:Jacqueline Wilson.
book:The Dimond Girls.

 I started this book 2 weeks ago and finished it first week of the second. Well i really enjoyed this book because it is diffrent from all the other books i have read from her.I i think it would be ages to 8 to 16 . It was about a family of all girls they moved to this house were it looked hidous because there was sick in the sink and people tagged on the house the inside look ugly and its not the house that you would want! if you want more i suggest you start readying good luck and have a good time!!.I read for 30min a day

Authour:jacqueline Wilson.
book:lizzie zipped mouth.

It is good book any ages will suite it, It was short I read it in 4 days and i finished . I like all of it plus it is sort of based on me and my life. I read for 30min or more.It was about a girl who didnt talk to her step dad or her step brothers then she went to her grandma and ended up talking and playing with china dolls then she suddenly talked. Every one was surprised that she talked now she goes to the grandamas house every day after school to play with her china doll.                                                                                                                                                           


Authour:M. Sobel Spirn

I read this in 2 hours or less i liked it very much because it is mysterious and i like book that is mysterious it is interesting and i got into reading it i think that the ages should be 7 and up... The book j is about when he went home and a guy came out of the house and the boy was standing there but the person didn't notice the boy so the boy was hiding behind the  bush and the dad whistle to act like he didn't know him and he whistled help. so the boy tried to help find his farther but know one believe him so he was on his own then he found his farther and they  run for there life anymore info read the book a you will find out good luck reading.     

Authour:Fleur Beale
Book:I am not Esther

It took 3 days to finnish this book it is a really good book.I think ages to 9 and up. Her mum say to her thats she is running away and she is going to leave you with realatives you've never heard of and the members of strict religious and they change your name to somethink else but she ended up running away because she didn't like it there and she finds out she has a brother and find out if she finds her mum wait and see and read