AnDrEaNa !!!!!
4 Thursday 2011
Our learning intension was solve addition problems using Rounding and Compensating.

-What I learned. That you have to do opposite to both sides.-What I enJoyed. I enjoyed doing decimals because i like challenging myself.

-What I found hard. I found hard keeping the numbers in my head for decimals and choosing to round the right number.

-My goals is to get better and faster. i use to solve problems like this 98+23=121 
but now i can solve numbers like this-132.91+321.33=461.24 like- +9 to 132.91 then -9 from 321.33 last of all you have to go 140+321.24=461.24.  
4 Thursday
Our learning intension is solve subtraction using Equal Adjustment.

-What I learnt. Was to add the same on both sides.

-What I enjoyed. Was trying to get faster and challenge myself.

-What I found hard. I found it hard to choose what to do on both sides.

-My goal. My goal is to add the right  number to both sides I use to solve numbers. Like this  

EX- 92-62=20 but now i can solve numbers like this 8.91+3.24=6.33 I +
.9 to 8.91 and +.9 to 3.33=6.33
4 Thursday 2011

Our learning intension was solve addition problems using place value.

-What I learnt. I learnt to keep the biggest number in my head.

-What I enjoyed. I enjoyed learning a lot of things of place value.

-What I found hard. I found hard was when I first did it i've forgot the stratergy so i need to remeber it.

-My goal. Is to do it mently in my head. i use to solve numbers like this 43+78.

EX-424+918 you go 400+900=1300 the 20+10=30 after that4+8=12 finaly you go1300+30+12=1342.
Andreana, the reflection of this is great. Please check if your working makes sense as I can not follow it. Please leave what you have done there and then do it again underneath each question. If you get stuck with adding/subtracting the hundredths come and see me. Miss Clarke 
22 wednesday 2011

Our learning intension was to solve multiplication problems using rounding and compensating.-what I learnt. I learnt that you have to plus one to one side then takeaway the number you did but the  number you added have to times it  to the equation number.-What i enjoyed. I enjoyed learning the strategy because it was something new for me to learn.

-What i found hard. I found to times what number to make it easer to get the right number.

-My goal. My goal is to do it mentally in my head. Also get faster  

-EX. 12.7x5 (13x5)-(.3x5)
65 - 1.5= 63.5
Make it to the closets 10.